by | Dec 1, 2020 | All Blogs, Faith, Fitness | 2 comments

What’s Stopping You?

What’s Stopping You?

What’s stopping you from doing the things you know will change your life? What’s holding you back? Are you too busy to stop and evaluate what you truly want? Are you afraid you will disappoint yourself if you try to pursue it? Do you think you’ll fail?

I’ve spoken with many people who feel stuck in their current situations. Some of these individuals wanted to lose weight but were overwhelmed by how far they had let their bodies go and had convinced themselves there was no way to get back to what they considered their “perfect” size. When the scales announce a need to lose 10, 20, 50, or even 100 pounds or more, it can be difficult to face. Others had allowed their joints and muscles to break down over years of sitting at a desk, then sitting more when they arrived home every day. Their joints hurt with basic, daily movement. Yet others had traveled so far down a road of sin and regret they could no longer imagine how God and family members could love them enough to forgive them. Years of living an unworthy lifestyle led them to hide from the ones who loved them unconditionally. Some have expressed disappointment in themselves for straying from their faith and not knowing how to return to what they knew made them complete. Each of these people had one thing in common. They were allowing fear to overtake them.

Pause for a Moment

Before you read any further, pause for a moment to picture your future. Does it look the way you’d like, or is there something you wish could be changed? How would your existence be different if you were truly living your dreams? Take another moment to breathe in your desires for a purpose-filled life. Now release the fear that’s stopping you from having that life.

I’ll give you a few minutes. Come back whenever you’ve had enough time to process those questions.

Good work! Do you now have a vision of a world where you’re content in your surroundings? A picture of you beaming from within because your heart is overwhelmed with joy and your life is gratifying. Be honest with yourself here. What’s stopping you from being the person you see in your vision? Is it fear?

Fear is a Liar

Soak this fact deep into your soul; fear is a liar. It can stop us from pursuing what is meaningful and important to us. At the same time, it pretends to be keeping us safe from harm. Fear lowers our self-esteem by telling us we aren’t strong enough or worthy enough to accomplish our goals. It triggers our fight or flight system, and our bodies release all kinds of stress chemicals. We understandably flee in an attempt to avoid what’s scaring us.

But what if that fear is keeping you from something you wholeheartedly want to pursue? Like a healthier lifestyle, making your passion a career, or confronting an addiction. Will you stay and fight?

Change is scary, but is it better to stay with the devil you know? Are you happy with him or just comfortable because you already know the outcome? Do you believe fear a liar?

Being Scared Doesn’t Mean You’ll Fail

Being scared doesn’t mean you’ll fail. The truth is, doing something while you’re afraid makes you stronger. When you can conquer the fear that’s holding your back, you’ll no longer have to face that specific fear in the same way again. You’ll gain confidence in your ability to overcome it. But to accomplish this, you have to decide to tackle it while it’s still scary.

Ask yourself, “What am I willing to try while I’m scared?” Be completely honest here.

  • Would you stop overeating and start being more physically active?
  • Would you care less about what you think others think of you and turn your passion into a career?
  • Would you ask for forgiveness while you don’t believe you deserve it?
  • Would you put down the bottle that comforts you after a tough day?
  • Would you eagerly chase after your desires?

I Understand

I understand how you’re feeling. I’ve faced some scary things in my life. At 19 years old, I moved from Illinois to North Carolina, basically alone. I’ve been through a divorce, knowing it would leave two broken-hearted little girls in its wake. I allowed myself to get out of shape, leading me to an extra 25 pounds to shed. And most recently, the thing that brought me to this blog; my double-lung transplant. Of course, that wasn’t really a choice, but it was terrifying none-the-less!

You know what? These things don’t scare me anymore. They left behind some battle wounds, of course. But courage is now planted deep within me; I’m a stronger woman because of the battles. I’ve managed to live nearly 800 miles from my family for over 30 years. I met and married the man of my dreams, my daughters are happy and thriving, and I know that I can have the healthiest version of my body possible with a bit of hard work. As far as the transplant, there’s still apprehension about what could happen next. There probably always will be. However, I’m confident in my ability, with guidance from the good Lord, to face it head-on. And that takes away any grip fear has on me.

What’s Stopping You

My prayer for you is that you will decide today what you want to conquer most and take a leap of faith; that you will grab hold of your courage and go for it!

What if you fail? Well, what if you don’t?

Tell me, what’s stopping you?

When You’re Ready

When you’re ready to take the leap (or the first small steps) into a purpose-filled life, I would be honored to be your coach. Complete the form below and receive a FREE consultation to discover the steps you should take to pursue your purpose-filled life.

Visit my “Work With Me” page to get more information about the services I offer

    Lana Lamkin

    Lana Lamkin

    Author, Speaker, Trauma-Informed Life Coach, and Nutrition Coach

    Living Well with Lana came to life after I almost lost mine to an extremely rare autoimmune disease in 2020. God continues to teach me how to live with intention, purpose, and passion, even in the midst of tragedy and trials.

    Now, He’s called me to share what I’m learning with you. I hope you enjoy the journey through my blog.

    Lana's Books

    Written by Lana Lamkin

    Lana is an Author, Speaker, Trauma-Informed Life Coach, Nutrition Coach, and double-lung transplant survivor. She is also a former personal trainer and gym owner. Her mission is to empower women to live with intention, purpose, and passion. Lana's book, Breathing in the Unexpected, is available on Amazon.



    1. Chris C.

      Fear paralyzes, that is for sure. As you said it keeps us from fulfilling God’s plan for our lives and His plans are always for our good. Faith is not the absence of fear, but faith is believing that God will provide for us & direct us to do what He is calling us to do.
      I need to remind myself of that often. It is easy to believe Satan’s lies but faith the size of a mustard seed is what we need to overcome his lies and fulfill His plans for us.? Thank you Lana for reminding us of this truth.

      • Lana Lamkin - Living Well With Lana

        Well said. Thanks for your comments, Chris. Faith can move mountains (Matthew 17:20).


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