Life Update
Hello, my dear friends! I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve had a lot of great things happening. But many of you have reached out asking how I’m doing (thank you for that), so I know it’s time for a life update. Big News! Our...
5 Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude
Imagine this: Something great happens, I mean really great, and you’re so thrilled by it that you can’t contain your gratitude. Then time passes, and your thankfulness wanes. More time passes, and you either completely forget about what took place or maybe...
Assumptions Are Not Based On Promises
Am I the only one who often assumes things will be a certain way just because I want them to be? Or my assumptions may come from what I’ve been told is a fact, and I believe it. Assumptions are, by definition, things accepted as true or as sure to happen without...